New photos of jewelry store armed robbery suspects released - KFOR Oklahoma City
Saturday, May 4, 2019

New photos of jewelry store armed robbery suspects released - KFOR Oklahoma City

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma City Police Department has released new surveillance photos of the suspects wanted for questioning in Thursday’s jewelry store armed robbery.

On Thursday evening, authorities were called to an armed robbery at Higgin’s Jewelers, located near N.W. 122nd and MacArthur Blvd.

Police say the suspects pistol whipped one elderly employee and put another in a choke hold.

“You can see in the video that the suspects enter the back room.  One of them pistol whips the owner of that jewelry store, causing an injury which is fortunately not life threatening,” Oklahoma City PD Assistant PIO Megan Morgan said.  “They stole an undisclosed amount of jewelry, as well as two of the victims guns.”

Now, police say the suspects were checking other jewelry stores earlier that same day.

These photos are from a jewelry store near Northwest 50th and May Avenue.

If you recognize these men or have information on this incident, contact Crime Stoppers at 405-235-7300 or

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