Spence Diamonds Is A Traditional Jeweler That Discovered A "Gold Mine" in Lab-Grown Diamonds - Forbes
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Spence Diamonds Is A Traditional Jeweler That Discovered A "Gold Mine" in Lab-Grown Diamonds - Forbes

Spence Diamonds store front

Courtesy of Spence Diamonds

The 40-year old Spence Diamonds is a traditional jewelry chain that has stepped boldly into the future of the diamond jewelry business– lab-grown diamonds.

While still offering mined diamonds, Spence has found that when its customers are given a choice, 80% of them choose lab-growns over mined diamonds.

The Canadian-based jeweler, with seven Canadian and five U.S. stores, thinks differently not just about diamonds, but also about the experiences today’s customers want when shopping for jewelry. It’s anything but what they find in a traditional jewelry store.

For example, rather than showing jewelry in locked-glass cases where sales representatives act as intermediaries, Spence displays jewelry prototypes – “brass and glass” look-alikes—in open cases, where customers can touch, feel and try on pieces themselves. The real jewelry it sells is all custom made and handcrafted.

Spence jewelry display

Courtesy of Spence Diamonds

As in a traditional jeweler where educating customers on the 4Cs of buying a diamondcut, color, clarity, and carat weight–is paramount, Spence educates them on another C, its composition as well. Lab-grown diamonds meet all these standards, being of the exact chemical composition as mined diamonds, but without the environmental cost.

And what Spence offers gets even better since its customers can buy a lab-grown for less than a comparable-quality and sized mined diamond.

Spence Diamonds turns the tables on traditional diamond retailing . It has an innovative selling proposition offering both mined and lab-grown diamonds and an engaged shopping experience where customers can interact with the merchandise without having to go through a sales associate.

Thinking outside the box of traditional jewelry retailing

As these examples show, Spence is taking an unconventional approach in a very conventional industry. It’s gone even further by selecting a new CEO from outside the industry as well.

Spence just appointed Veeral Rathod from fashion to lead the company forward as it continues to expand into the U.S. market, now with stores in Scottsdale, San Jose, Austin, Dallas and Plano, TX, along with its Canadian locations.

Veeral Rathod, Spence CWO

Courtesy of Spence Diamonds

Rathod joined Spence as its chief marketing officer in September 2018, after co-founding custom lifestyle men’s fashion brand J. Hilburn and serving as its CEO from 2007 through April 2018.

“Elevating Veeral to CEO is the culmination of the plan we’ve had for him since day one,” said Eric Lindberg, executive chairman, in a statement. “He brings not only a dynamic entrepreneurial spirit to the company as we expand, but also a strong background in customization, sales force management, brand building, innovation and customer experience.”

I sat down with Rathod just before his promotion to discuss the direction of Spence as it continues to think outside the box of traditional jewelry retailing.

Disrupt yourself

We’ve all heard people say, “disrupt yourself before someone else does,” but few companies are really doing it. That is not Spence.

“As a private company [Spence was bought by Lion Capital in 2015], we are focused on growth by leveraging our in-store experience that is heavy on educating the customer and light on inventory, because everything we sell is custom made,” Rathod told me.

Even before the introduction of lab-grown diamonds in 2016, Spence was expert at reassuring the customer making an anxiety-ridden, emotional, mysterious and expensive purchase.

“The cornerstone of the Spence shopping experience is to ensure that we deliver a lot of education in a low-pressure, comfortable, friendly environment,” he shares. Being able to offer customers the chance to reach into a display case and try on a prototype ring also helps to deescalate the anxiety.

Coming from the fashion industry, Rathod sees many parallels between jewelry and fashion beyond that both are style and design driven.

“The diamond industry is one of the last industries I can think of where every part of it is largely controlled by the supplier. The suppliers created demand by brilliant advertising and marketing,” he says.

“But that is changing, just like it is in fashion. Theres been a huge shift on the supply side with lab-growns, as well as on the demand side with millennials who are more thoughtful in their purchases. We are leveraging both in our stores.”

Millennials have the confidence to choose

While many jewelers, notably Tiffany’s, are trying to maintain the status quo and hold back progress, Spence is leaning into it.

Lab-growns are increasingly becoming the stone of choice for millennials who want value, sustainability and ethical production methods ,” he says. But he adds that Spence’s intensive diamond-buying education process presents the option to the customer objectively.

“What’s made Spence successful is we’ve never taken a strong point of view on either/or stones. For us it is about educating the customer so they can make the choice. We don’t make the decision for them,” he explains.

Jewelers’ resistance to carrying lab-growns is one reason that ecommerce companies have been so successful disrupting the diamond industry, Rathod believes. “A lot of retailers aren’t even offering lab-growns. But we realized if we want to be in retail and grow our business, we have to offer this stone that is going to transform the industry.”

He adds that while in Canada some 80% of Spence customers choose lab-growns, it is even higher in the U.S., approaching 90%. “Once the customer decides on the style and setting and their budget, we show them both stones side-by-side where they can see each through the scope. But they can also see that the lab-grown is 33% bigger or has a fancier cut for the same price,” he says.

To give its customers even more confidence, Spence offers a “Perfect Match Guarantee,” to match the price of an equivalent GIA-graded mined diamond, as well as a lifetime trade-up allowance for a Spence-bought center stone at its stores. He further adds that its lab-grown diamonds are all branded Artisan Created Diamonds and are selected from the top 10% best-quality stones from its suppliers.

“This follows our philosophy from day one,” he adds. “We do our due diligence to ensure we’re getting very high-quality stones that come with a grading certificate, and has all the information about its origin. We are committed to providing that level of confidence to the consumer,” he concludes.

See also: Tiffany's New Mined Diamond Policy Ignores All That Luxury Customers Want: A Man-Made Alternative

See also: Why Are Jewelry Retailers Saying 'I Don't' To Lab-Grown Diamonds If Millennials Want Them?

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