Thieves take jewelry, a bike, and credit cards - Evanston Now
Thefts on Oakton, Linden, and Ridge yielded jewelry, a bike, and credit cards. These among stories in today’s daily crime bulletin from Evanston police.
2000 Oakton
Jewelry was taken while unattended at a home in the 2000 block of Oakton Street between noon on May 26 and 2 a.m. the following day.
600 Linden
A bicycle was taken while secured in the garage of a home in the 600 block of Linden Place between midnight on June 16 and 7 p.m. on Monday.
2600 Ridge
Credit and debit cards were taken while unattended at Evanston Hospital between noon and 8:09 p.m. yesterday.
Lake at Chicago
Graffiti was discovered on the sidewalk at Lake Street and Chicago Avenue at 12:29 p.m. yesterday.
An arrest does not constitute a finding of guilt, which can only be determined by a court of law. Court appearances take place in Cook County 2nd District Circuit Court in Skokie.
Related Document:
Crime Bulletin (03Jul19)