Cameras capture brazen break-in at jewelry store - WLWT Cincinnati

Montgomery police said a break-in at a jewelry store in their city may be connected to other's in the state.
Last week, a person broke in to the store by cutting a hole in the roof. As soon as he got in, an alarm went off and he broke out of the business.
Newly released surveillance footage shows the escape proved to be a little challenging.
At first, the man tried to break the glass next to the front door. He punched it twice, but didn't have any luck. The door wouldn't open, either.
He eventually made it to another window.
After several attempts, the suspect broke the glass and crawled out of the window.
Nothing was stolen.
A similar break-in took place a Harrison jewelry store less than two weeks earlier.
Police are looking into whether these two incidents are connected to other jewelry store break-ins across the state.