The Jewelry Industry Grapples With The Real Impact Of Lab-Grown Diamonds - Forbes
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Jewelry Industry Grapples With The Real Impact Of Lab-Grown Diamonds - Forbes

Is it mined or is it lab-grown?iStock Photo

Within the jewelry industry, there has been tremendous debate over lab-grown diamonds. What happens if they get mixed in with mined diamonds and are not disclosed? Should they cost less than a mined diamond? Will they make the prices of all diamonds come down? And – the big question – will manufactured diamonds help diamond sales or hurt them?

In July, the FCC published new Jewelry Guides, which are the rules for how jewelry in the United States is made, marketed, and sold. Referred to in the industry as The Guides, this is the first update in more than 20 years, and while there were several updates of importance, the new guidance related to diamonds has caused a stir.

Specifically, the FTC removed the word natural from the definition of a diamond. Until now, the FCC definition stated, “A diamond is a natural mineral consisting essentially of pure carbon crystallized in the isometric system.” Now, the definition reads “A diamond is a mineral consisting essentially of pure carbon crystallized in the isometric system.”

If you’re starting to feel alarmed, don’t. The FCC requires jewelry sellers to disclose if a diamond was mined from the ground or manufactured in a lab. Sellers cannot market lab-grown diamonds as “natural,” “genuine,” “real,” or using other, similar terms. If a seller promotes a diamond as “cultured,” it must also include information to disclose that the diamond is manufactured, such as “lab-grown,” “laboratory grown,” or “created.” In other words, all diamonds – whether mined or grown in a lab – are natural as it relates to mineral content, but consumers have a right to know if the diamond they are buying was mined or manufactured.

The whole lab-grown diamond debate has jewelers quibbling over semantics like a bunch of lawyers in a conference room, and the new FCC definition has added fuel to the fire. If the word natural has disappeared from the definition of a diamond, what does that mean? Does that mean that lab-grown diamonds are also real? What is real anyway? To the naked eye, a laboratory-grown diamond looks just like a mined diamond – though generally more perfect than most consumers could afford. But ultimately, how the jewelry industry feels about lab-grown diamonds isn’t nearly as important as how consumers feel. And to date, most consumers don't know enough to feel anything.

Consumers Relatively Unaware of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Led by Millennials, consumer attitudes toward diamonds are shifting. Millennials marry later, spend less on wedding jewelry, are less enamored of diamonds, and are concerned about the ecological and social impacts of mining. Lab-grown diamonds offer a solution to many Millennials’ concerns, but consumers are not well-informed about the availability of lab-grown diamonds. Yet.

This is because very few jewelry retailers have embraced lab-grown diamonds. They generally cite the concern that lab-grown diamonds will be mixed with mined diamonds and pollute the supply chain, leading to unhappy consumers who no longer trust the diamond industry. That is a legitimate concern, and over the past eight years, new technologies have become available to identify lab-grown diamonds, both at the point of manufacture and at retail. Jewelry industry associations like the Jewelers Vigilance Committee (JVC) have been educating retailers and manufacturers regarding their responsibilities to identify and disclose the origins (mined versus manufactured) of the diamonds they sell. But the more significant concern – the one that is not being discussed outside the boardroom – relates to the risk of further diamond commoditization.

Diamond Commoditization at the Heart of the Lab-Grown Debate

The diamond industry was commoditized about ten years before lab-grown diamonds became viable. From the late 1800s, DeBeers had a lock on world diamond supplies. Combined with powerful marketing campaigns that began in the 1940s, consumers were taught to believe that diamonds were a girl's best friend, forever, and rare. But starting in the 1990s, and coming to a head in 2001, DeBeers lost control of the diamond supply chain, and worldwide diamond supplies rapidly inflated. By 2010, more diamonds were available for sale than ever before.

At the same time, another dramatic change was taking place. The first significant use of the internet in the jewelry industry was the creation of online diamond exchanges, where diamond dealers could list their diamond inventories, along with each diamond’s characteristics (cut, color, clarity, carat) and price. Suddenly, buying diamonds was a lot more like playing the stock market; a game governed by spreadsheets and the latest market prices.

Companies like Blue Nile got in on the action, making diamond exchanges available to consumers, who responded enthusiastically to the new transparency. Suddenly, consumers had buying power in a market that had historically been a seller’s game. An insidious result of this trend was to make diamonds feel less like an heirloom – a treasure to be kept forever – and more like a, well, commodity. This led to an influx of previously owned diamonds hitting the market, which increased the already-bloating diamond supply and added to downward price pressure.

And now, enter lab-grown diamonds; a potentially endless supply of the carbon allotrope that sparkles and shines.

Marketing and Merchandising Strategies Will Determine What Happens Next

Right now, the impact of lab-grown diamonds on the market is artificially constrained due to lack of retailer adoption. But this condition will not last. Consumer awareness will soon drive more retailers to offer lab-grown diamonds, and retailers will start experimenting with ways to position them within their merchandise offerings. Will this forever change the position of diamonds as the apex of modern jewelry?

The answer is unclear. Artificial constraints on diamond supplies certainly played a role in the ascendance of the diamond as a gem for jewelry, but so did brilliant marketing. The fact that DeBeers has launched a lab-grown diamond line suggests that they see the opportunity - and risks - ahead. In true DeBeers style, they are framing the conversation. The DeBeers Lightbox line positions lab-grown diamonds as fashion jewelry, and contrasts them with mined diamonds, which they have positioned as the proper choice for fine jewelry. This is the first real consumer marketing salvo in the lab-grown space.

What is clear is that the tide has shifted. The diamond industry tried and failed to stifle the lab-grown diamond movement. What remains to be seen is how creative its players will be in the next phase of the diamond game.

Will lab-grown diamonds lower diamond prices overall?   Is the jewelry industry prepared to market lab-grown diamonds?

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